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After building the Raspberry PI extension board it’s time to do some useful things with it.

The board contains an I2C temperature sensor and you can also connect external sensors so how can you use it to monitor temperatures over a long time range and store and visualize the measurements?

This post describes a very simple way to do this as well as how to store the measurement data local as well as in the cloud.
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Making a mobile phone or tablet holder out of Lego bricks is not only very easy but also
fun to do.

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So you have just bought your new very fancy quadcopter? Fine! But I’m pretty sure (unless you are
very talented) after some flights somehow the idea will arise to have the oportunity to train your
flying skills without some (maybee more) hard landings or (worse) crashes.

Here I describe a way to connect nearly every R/C transmitter to your PC using an Arduino UNO
board. Why? Because I bought a quadcopter and hat some hard landings and crashes so I started
training on the PC using a flight simulator controlled by my R/C transmitter.
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Little Wireshark

Friday, February 8, 2013

In times of Carrier IQ and other unwanted pieces of software possibly active on your mobile phone it would be nice to have tools like on your desktop PC to see whats going on. One of these tools on a PC is WireShark, a network sniffer. Unfortunately it only runs on PC’s (either Windows or Linux) and not on your SmartPhone. So how would it be possible to trace your phones network traffic?

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Some Windows Mobile 6.x phones have a very nice feature which allows you to get notified if someone removes your SIM card from your phone (e.g. in case it was lost or stolen) and inserts another one. Unfortunately this feature is buried very deep in config menus for example on a Windows Mobile 6.5 phone (Samsung Omnia B-7350). It’s called uTrack or MobileTracker.
This post shows a step by step guide how to enable this feature and what happens in case of a SIM change.

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